
sheltered workshop

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Protected workshop Třebíčsko s.r.o.

Welcome to the website of the Protected Workshop Třebíčsko. We are currently preparing a new the Protected Workshop Třebíčsko website.

Our company the Czechport Food - the Protected Workshop is a direct importer of the walnuts. Under the brand of Czechport Food, we deal with the distribution, processing and packaging of a wide range of the dry fruits and seeds

The idea of a sheltered workshop dates back to the year 2013. In our family-owned Brabec wholesaler, which was established in the year 1991, we employed one worker with a health disadvantage, thanks to which came the idea of setting up a sheltered workshop. People with disabilities have very few job opportunities to fully engage in the work process and thus more into everyday life. Thanks to wholesale, several new jobs could arise.

Protected workshop was established in the year 2014 and currently we employ about 24 people OZP / OZZ + one without a medical burden. Employees work both for Brabec wholesale s.r.o. and Logistics Center Třebíč. Since the beginning of our business, we have established a friendly and professional approach to our customers, favorable prices and, above all, a positive impact on the company in our immediate vicinity.

Protected workshop Třebíčsko s.r.o.
Company ID: 03585417
Punch: Petrovice 142, 675 21

Place of bussines

Logistické centrum Třebíč
Pocoucov 83, 67401

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